A money market account is a bank account that you can store your money like a saving accounts. The difference between money market account and saving is that bank used money market account for short term loan. Since the bank is using the money to give out short term loan. You get a higher interest rate than you do with a saving account. You can always access your money like you do with a saving account. Money market are not money market funds, which, can lose you money. They are FDIC insured so there is protection of your money in case of economic crisis.
When human emotion come into play with budgeting for a new year. We can cause ourselves to make the budget to tight or loose. Also can create objectives that conflict with your goals that you are trying to achieve in the future. When budget are set too tight. The goals are viewed unrealistic and unachievable, which, may cause discouragement. Setting a high goals is productive, but you don’t want to set it up to where you fail when setting a budget. Budget are meant to keep you in control of your future plans and strive to accomplish with the resources you have for the moment. When budget are set too loose. The goals is attain easily creating the feeling of undesirable time wasted because it was not challenging and not satisfy with the time put in. When goals conflict with you budget. It can become counter intuitive since your trying to achieve a goal in a different approach with your limited resources. For example, you decided to cut your car expense by using public transportation. Doing this will save you money on gas, insurance, and maintenance cost. The trade-off is that you have to be dependent on others for your transportation. It might take up more of your time to get the bus or train since you have to wake up earlier. There might be delays. Also you might need to attend meeting and other activities that are unplanned and might not make on time because of the schedule buses and trains have. If the results you are not getting for the change then you might to take another approach that will help achieve your goals from the budget you set up for yourself. REITs are Real Estate Investment Trust that you can invest in to make capital gains. They are companies that operate in the real estate business to make a profit. Companies in REITs own commercial real estate like office buildings, apartments, and shopping center, etc. REITs are traded on major stock exchange as ETF and function as a mutual. Investing in these companies puts you in the real estate business without being a realtor and another way diversify your portfolio. When a company losses its assets due to natural causes like firm storms in California, Hurricane Michael in Florida, and tornadoes that rip through the south and Midwest of the United States. Any unexpected or accidental force generally can be deductible regardless if it’s a business or personal asset. Having insurance for assets can help recoup the losses, but if insurance doesn’t cover your losses. You can deduct them on your taxes. Also any other accidental losses that cannot be predicted can be written off. For example, Carpenter v. Commissioner Case or Revenue Ruling 79-174. |
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September 2021